• t_student:每个学生都有个年龄、姓名、性别字段
  • t_grade:每个学生都出现三次,分别对应他们考试的科目和分数

    select id,name from t_student;
    select * from t_student where name like '张三'; //当然还有not like
    select * from t_student where name like '张三%';
    select * from t_student where name like '张三__' //注意是两根下划线
    select * from t_student where age in(21,23); //当然还有not in
    select * from t_student where age between 21 and 23; //not between
    //is null
    select * from t_student where sex is null; //not null
    select * from group By gradeName; //只能查出每个年级第一个出现的那个学生
    select gradeName,group_concat(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName; //group_concat:把每个年级的所有学生都列出来,用逗号分隔
    select gradeName,count(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName; //把每个年级的所有学生姓名统计出来(重复不算)
    select gradeName,count(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName having count(stuName) >3;
    select gradeName,count(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName with rollup;
    select gradeName,group_concat(stuName) from t_student group by gradeName with rollup;
    select * fron t_student limit 0,5;
    select count(*) from t_grade;
    select count(*) from t_grade group_by stuName; 
    select stuName sum(score) from t_grade where stuName="张三";
    select stuName,sum(score) from t_grade group by stuName;
    select stuName,course,max(score) from t_grade where stuName='张三';
    select stuName,max(score) from t_grade group by stuName; //不能加course,因为group by要求查出来的字段必须是group by后面的字段,它按什么来分组的就只能出现什么字段
  • 连接查询:将两个或两个以上的表按照某个条件连接起来

    select * from t_book,t_bookType; //t_book中有一个类型字段引用的是第二张表的id,不过它不是外键;尽管两张表没有关联,但是类型有几个,书就要重复出现几次,每次对应一个类型,符合笛卡尔乘积的结果
  • 内连接查询是最常用的一种连接查询

    select * from t_book,t_bookType where t_book.bookTypeId=t_bookType.id; //书有基本,查出来就有几条,而且连带着它们对应的类型也查出来
    select tb.bookName,tb.author,tby.bookTypeName from t_book tb,t_bookType tby where tb.bookTypeId=tby.id;
  • 外连接

    select * from t_book left join t_booktype on t_book.bookTypeId=t_bookType.id; //把所有书都列出来,如果有的书没有设置类型的话那就用默认值(null之类)代替
    select * from t_book right join t_booktype on t_book.bookTypeId=t_bookType.id;
  • 子查询

    select* from t_book where booktypeId in (select id from t_booktype); //查出来的类型id必须在书本类型的范围内
    select * from t_book where price>=(select from t_pricelevel where pricelevel =1);
    select * from t_book where exist (select * from t_booktype); //not exist
    select * from t_book where price>=any (select price from t_pricelevel);
    select * from t_book where price>=all (select price from t_pricelevel);
  • union

    select id from t_book union select id from t_booktype; //比如第一张表有1,2,3,第二张有1,2,6,则结果为1,2,3,6
    select id from t_book where all select id from t_booktype;